Monday, December 2, 2013



This is a place for writers.  I am pleased to say I've discovered creative writing a handful of years ago, and never looked back.  There are no expectations, no rules, no pressure.  Because everything falls away and finally, I can be me, completely, fully---free.  

I know it's the same for you.

Let's start at the beginning.

My name is Danielle, and as a writer in bloom, here are a few things you should know about me:

-Genres of Tragedy, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Psychological
-Romance that is slow and burning and takes a back-seat to the plot.  Me likey. Me likey A LOT.
-Angsty male characters that have a tortured soul
-Strong female characters (that kick butt!)
-Sibling relationships
-Beautiful metaphors

-Badly written love triangles (don't we all?)
-Mary Sues (again, don't we all?)
-'Love at First Sight' ---nope.

My writing style concentrates on feeling, not description.  I use many commas, start sentences with "And" and "Because", tend to have paragraphs that are max. 4 sentences long (working on that), I fail at poetry, and I like Third Person present-tense P.O.V best.  

I'm looking forward to sharing with you.  Still a beginner, I hope to improve in many ways.

Into the happy place of writing we go!


  1. Great introduction to yourself as a writer!
    Mrs. Bell

  2. I love how violent your new display pic is, school appropriate much, tsk tsk xP oh btw I also like male characters that are tortured inside! (And I like that word angsty hehe)
